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one last monday

happy ( is it really? ) monday everyone!!! 

i'd like to start off by saying that as of today, i have three and a half days left of high school. THREE AND A HALF DAYS. like, wow. just wow. 

on another note, how was everyone's weekend? mine was awesome. friday wasn't so bright, (there are reasons that i'd prefer not to mention). other than a vast majority of friday, i got my very first spray tan--which was a very funny experience just because i didn't know what to expect. saturday i got my hair done (highlights and all), and later in the day i met my friends to take pictures for prom!!! and then yesterday, sunday, was mother's day! my family and i got to sleep in a bit, and then we surprised my mom with dunkin' donuts. 

i did want to share some exciting things that are going on, or about to go on, in my life right now and i wanted to share some things i'm currently loving right now just because it's easier to talk about a bunch of different things in one post!

last week of high school
of course this tops my list! as i've mentioned before, my high school life is winding down, this is my last week and it's really bittersweet. i'm excited to be graduating and moving on with my life. i'm excited to be moving to florida and living on the beach. but i'm also sad that i'll be leaving my family and everything i've ever known. either way, i know i'll turn out okay and life is going to be an adventure.

okay so in less than a week i'll be traveling to italy, and i couldn't be more excited. first off, this will be my first time traveling abroad in general. secondly, italy is such a beautiful country that i'm ecstatic to visit. i'm super happy i chose italy to be the first country i explore. 

harry style's new album
last friday, harry styles released his first solo album and although it had me in tears (one direction all the way) it was honestly so good. i didn't know what to think when i first listened to his album--i was always used to hearing his voice mixed with four other voices, but i was not-so surprisingly shocked lol. style's voice sounds good solo, as much as that pains me to say, and his songs are different. seriously, go check it out. 

writing for odyssey
a little while ago, i was accepted to write for odyssey, an online platform that allows "voices to be heard" no matter the voice, or the words being spoken. i was so happy to be accepted to write for this community, and it's such a wonderful opportunity to grow myself as a writer. besides, it's a suitable place to read about anything with multiple viewpoints. go check out my account here: odyssey 

thinking about my future
is this an odd exciting thing in life? i think it is, lol. since i'm graduating high school and going off to college, my future is on my mind, all. the. time. honestly, though, it's exciting and makes me excited. i love thinking about my future journalism career, traveling with friends, learning new things, and so much more. thinking about my future is probably something i love daydreaming about as of right now.

i hope everyone has a momentous week!!!


the kinkaid journals
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