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Showing the person I love, the place I love

Let me tell you something. 

There is nothing that has made me happier showing the person I love, the place I love.

As I mentioned in my previous post (Building My Legacy) I'm in a long-distant relationship, and that they're absolutely no fun.

However (I told you there's ALWAYS a but!!!)

They can be SO fun when you're signifigant other comes to visit wherever you are!

A few weeks ago (Around Labor Day) my signifigant other, Alex, came to visit me in St. Augustine and it was perhaps one of the best weekends ever!

And although the trip was short-lived (It was a long weekend) it was nothing less than amazing!!!

Our little excursion began semi-early Saturday morning/afternoon when Alex had finally made it to St. Augustine. He was apparently famished from his long train ride, so I took him to one of my favorite resturaunts for lunch: One Twenty-Three Burger House.

I highly recommend eating here, the prices aren't too bad (And if you're a Flagler student, you get a discount) and the burgers/milkshakes/fries are to die for!

After Alex sustained his appetite, we decided to do the Old Town Trolley Tour. This tour takes you all around St. Augustine's historical sights in about an hour to two hours, giving you a lot of information on the history behind the sights and about the town in general.

Although I probably could've given him a much better, and quicker tour, I thought it would've been fun to do it.

One of the things that I love about the Old Town Trolley Tours, is that you can get off at any stop and then get back on.

Alex and I decided to get off at the Memorial Presbyterian Church, first.

It was really pretty on the inside, and had a beautiful garden outside.
After the church, Alex and I rode the trolley until one of the stops was the Lightner Museum.

Right before the actual museum building, there is a garden-like area and it's absolutely gorgeous.
Alex and I rode the Trolley for a little bit longer until it stopped at the Castillo de San Marcos.

Fun fact: the Castillo is the oldest masonry/military fort in the continental United States.

The fort is one of my favorite places in town, and I was dying to show Alex, so this was our next stop.

By the time I was done showing Alex the fort, it was dinnertime and both of us were starving at this point.

We decided on one of my favorite places to eat for dinner: Milagro on 12th.

Milagro is a latin kitchen with the best quesadillas I've ever eaten. Milagro also has one of the best views of the Castillo and of Matanzas Bay (the waterfront St. Augustine sits on).

 I also highly recommend checking this place out if you ever find yourself in St. Augustine.

By the time dinner was over, so was our night. Both of us were exhausted and decided to take it easy for the rest of the night.

This included taking a nice walk along the bayfront, which is another one of my favorite parts about St. Augustine.
The next day, also Sunday, was just a relaxing day.

For a late breakfast/early lunch we went to Cousteau's Waffle and Milkshake Bar!

Let me tell you, I got a plain ole vanilla milkshake and s'more waffles, but this was the best tasting breakfast I've ever had in my life.
After, Alex and I headed over to St. Augustine Beach (also known as Anastasia Island).

Our beach day was so nice, it wasn't too hot (like Florida normally is during this time of the year) and the ocean was just beautiful (as usual).
Unfortunately Monday came, and I had classes. Fortunately, I have morning classes so I was able to get them out of the way and spend Alex's last few hours in Florida exploring St. Augustine with him.

We first grabbed lunch at a pizza place, where I can't remember the name of, but had really good pizza.
And after lunch we just walked around.
Everything about Alex coming down was truly amazing, and I can't ever thank him enough for doing that for me. This weekend we spent together in St. Augustine will probably most likely be unforgettable.

Monday afternoon rolled around, and it was time to say goodbye. Saying goodbye was the worst part of the trip but like I mentioned above, saying goodbye this time was worth it because I got to send the weekend with someone I love, showing them the place I love.

I hope you enjoyed reading about Alex and I's weekend in St. Augustine!

Have a great rest of your day, the week is almost over (:


the kinkaid journals
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1 comment:

  1. Very nice! I’ve been looking at your posts for awhile and I’m very intrigued, keep up the good work.


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