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when i was asked to pick a piece of art that meant something to me

the mona lisa, a portrait of a mysterious woman, was painted in 1503 by renaissance artist leonardo da vinci.

"The Louvre Museum in Paris,France ..TripAdvisor® TripWow. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Mar. 2017.
the portrait became highly popular and was placed in the louvre of france, merely two centuries later. now, flash forward six-hundred-years and the mona lisa, is still widely known, whether or not people actually like the painting.

in saying that, over the past year i've come across many critics of the artwork saying the mysterious woman "is not all that beautiful", and even "it is just a portrait". but, that is what makes the painting so alluring to me.

art is not meant to be beautiful, art is supposed to mean something. art is not always meant to be recognized, it is meant to mean something for the artist and for those who come across it. and art is not always going to be appreciated, that is makes art, art.  true art does not need to be glorified by critics or adored by the loves. art is glorified in itself, and that is why mona lisa is so important to me.

maybe the critics are right in saying da vinci did not paint a beautiful woman and it is just a portrait. to me, the painting of the mysterious woman, has shown me art is more than something you hang up on a wall and it has taught me to appreciate art in its true, real form.

like da vince said “nothing can be loved or hated unless it is first understood.”

the kinkaid journals
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