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the top 5 must-see places in america

the world is full of beautiful treasures and wonders. from the canals of venice, to the eiffel tower in paris, the rolling hills of tuscany, blue and clear oceans in the caribbean, to the great wall of china. the world is one big, beautiful place someone could spend their life exploring. and one of the most fantastic countries the world has to offer is america! there's so much to see and do in america, from the mountains in utah, to the cities, farms in wyoming, and the beaches on the coasts. there's literally so much. so since i travel a lot, (fun fact, i've been to 29/50 of the states)i thought i would make a list of the top 5 must-see places in america (sorry if some of them are very touristy, they're that way for a reason)!

1) the grand canyon, arizona

to start off this list, we have the grand canyon in arizona. i highly recommend seeing this landmark because it's honestly so beautiful. i visited here a few years ago with my brother, chase, and absolutely loved it. what i found really interesting about the canyon, is how visible the layers are. each layer was a different shade, which was cool because i could see how old the canyon actually was. i learned about relative-dating age for rocks in science, and i remember learning that from the shade and position of the layer, you could estimate how old it was. i also loved looking over the horizon and just taking in the beauty. it was a feeling of content.

2) new york city, new york

sorry, another touristy place! but new york city, new york is one of my favorite places on earth and is obviously a top place one must see in america! i mean, there's so much to do. one could go have a picnic in central park, go shopping in chelsea, or visit the statue of liberty. i highly recommend visiting here just because it's a wonderful city full of life. if you'd like to read more about new york, or my adventure there, click the link here!!! welcome to new york

3) ansted, west virginia

ever heard of ansted, west virginia? neither had i until i took a trip there with my grandparents to see where my grandmother grew up. i'm not going to sugarcoat it, there's not much to do in ansted. however, ansted has one of the most beautiful landscapes i've ever seen. the entire state of west virginia is basically a mountain, and ansted is submerged in that mountain, making it beautiful. when the fog mixes with the luscious, dark green trees, and the new river gorge bridge (or the river itself) in the background, you've got a stunning photograph. if you're a nature lover, i recommend going here. like i said, ansted is a small town, but if you're looking for a quiet, beautiful, unique place to escape to, ansted is your place.

4) mt. rushmore, south dakota 

yikes, another touristy place, sorry, but mt. rushmore is a place you must see in america. mt. rushmore features four faces of former united states presidents, george washington, thomas jefferson, abraham lincoln, and theodore rooselvelt. fun fact: the scultpure was completed by sculpture artist gutzon borglum and his son, lincoln borglum, stands 60-feet tall, and is made out of granite rock. it's a sight everyone should see.

5) st. augustine, florida

finally we have one of my favorite places in america, st. augustine. st. augustine resides in florida, about an hour south of jacksonville, and is one of the oldest cities in america. although there's not much to "sight-see" here, st. augustine is a good place to sit back, relax, and enjoy the beautiful, culture-filled atmosphere. if ever visiting here, i recommend taking an old trolley tour. this tour will take you all to all the major sights and gives you a good, detailed history about the town! if you'd like to read more about st. augustine, click here: the nation's oldest city

that's it folks! i hope you enjoyed this, and maybe got some inspiration on where to take your next adventure??? don't forget to comment below if you've been to any of these places and enjoyed it or not, or comment telling me what you'd like to read more of!!


p.s. have a happy sunday!!!
the kinkaid journals
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