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bittersweet endings

as this day comes to an end, i officially have eight days of high school left.

let me repeat. i have eight days of school left, forever.

firstly, wow. just wow. i seriously can't believe in eight days i'll be out of high school, and in less than five months i'll be moving into my college dorm. as excited as i am for this new adventure of my life to begin, this is a bittersweet ending.

for the last three years, i've spent my life walking through the same crowded hallways, seeing the same familiar faces, and having the same journalism teacher. it's crazy to think about how it's all going to end in just a few days.

yet, i'm so excited to spending the next four years of my life studying beneath palm trees, meeting incredible new people, and to take my journalism passion a step further. it's crazy to think about how it's all going to start in just a few months.

this part of my life is most certainly a bittersweet ending, that will lead to a new beginning. endings can be good, as long as there is a better beginning.

have a great rest of your day!


p.s. i'm really loving this off-the-shoulder embroidered shirt!!!
the kinkaid journals
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