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earth day 2017

for almost 50 years, people have been getting together on april 22 (today!) to celebrate this beautiful planet we live on, and to raise awareness about the environmental challenges faced across the world. each year, earth day engages billions of people worldwide to save our planet. and since the very first earth day, so much has happened.

the first earth day was held on april 22, 1970 with the primary focus of protesting the major oil spill of 1969 in california. the idea of earth day actually first came to the mind of former senator of wisconsin, gaylord nelson, after he witnessed the major oil spill mentioned above. a short year later, senator nelson had convinced 85 people, whom all had different beliefs, to support his idea about earth day and environmental protection. these people came together to create a national team that would promote earth day.

on april 22, 1970 the first earth day was commenced. americans all over the country made loud noise from coast-to-coast in support of saving the planet.

short while later, the environmental protection agency (EPA) was launched, along with the clean air and clean water acts.

earth day continued to grow in popularity over the years. however, in 1990, earth day went global. over 200 million people participated in over 140 countries. and the amazing thing is, all of these people who all had different beliefs and different lives, came together from the same idea: to save our planet.

 now, nearly 50 years later, the annual celebration of earth day has grown even more, and effected more change. earth day 2011, 28 million trees were planted in afghanistan by the earth day network. while in panama, citizens planted over 100 species of endangered orchids to prevent its extinction.

progress is really happening. real change is occurring. our older generations have done their part, now it's out turn. it's our turn to effect change, and to take a stand.

recycle. plant a tree. ride a bike to more places more frequently. use less paper. pick up garbage. whatever it may be, help promote change. be apart of something great.  be apart of helping save this beautiful planet we live on.

make earth day 2017, a day future generations look back on and marvel at because of how many people stood together to save our planet. make earth day 2017 one of the best earth days yet. make earth day 2017, yours.

happy earth day (-:

the kinkaid journals
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