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5 must-read books

i don't know if i've ever mentioned this before, but i love books. i love the stories books hold, i love getting lost in another world, and i love the thousands of lives books hold too. so, i've compiled a list of not only my favorite books, but books that you should read. keep reading (no pun intended lol) to find out my favorites and your must reads!!!

1) "the book thief" by markus zusak 

to start off, this book will literally change your life. although i'm not sure how it will change your life, i just know it will. i actually read this book for the first time a few years ago, and have read it more than once since then. "the book thief" is also narrated by the character named death, who is a mix of dark and humorous. another great thing about this book is that it will actually make the reader think and feel. like not "think and feel", it will make the reader really think deeply, and feel a hurricane of emotions.

“I have hated words and I have loved them, and I hope I have made them right.” 

2) "delirium" trilogy by lauren oliver 

other than "the hunger games", this trilogy by lauren oliver is the only trilogy i've been able truly get into. "delirium" is book one of three--"pandemonium" is book number two, and "requim" is book number three. each one more better than the last. one of the main reasons i love this trilogy is how well-written it is. in most romance books, the love story becomes too cheesy, and seemingly not realistic because that type of love doesn't happen. but lauren oliver does it differently. the whole time, the reader is wondering what will happen. another reason why i love this trilogy so much is how realistic the dystopian society actually is. the world oliver writes about, seems almost too real.

"Now I'd rather be infected with love for the tiniest sliver of a second than live a hundred years smothered by a lie."

3) "another little piece" by kate karyus quinn

this book is one of the most strange, interesting, unique, beautifully written books i have ever read. i'm not going to lie, this book isn't for everyone, but i was for me. even in saying that, i recommend this book. it's completely different than any book and will keep the reader interested from start to finish. 

" Confession is good for the soul, they say. I'd imagine this is true. But my sins were too convoluted. And from the little I understand--too damning."

4) "crank" by ellen hopkins

"crank". an unforgettable read that sends the reader through the hurricane of sex, drugs, and the impact that every choice you make has. this book was written by a mother who went through what the mother went through in "crank". in other words, although fiction, "crank" is based on what actually happened to hopkins and her daughter (i'm 99.9% sure). this book will not only send the reader into a hurricane, but it will leave the reader reeling. this book is powerful and shows the impact that drugs do have on life, and no matter who you are it can happen. 

"empty and closed, hovering in some frozen netherworld neither sun nor rain could thaw."

5) "hush, hush" by becca fitzpatrick

i genuinely loved this book, and yet there are tons of bad reviews. i loved the main character nora, i felt like i could relate to her in a way. and i especially loved the romance that from between her and patch (the other main character). one of the reasons i probably loved this book is because of the whole angels and demons idea, those ideas intrigue me so it kept me interested in the book. the reader will always be kept on edge, and not know what's coming. i highly recommend this book.  

"All this time I've hated myself for it. I thought I'd given it up for nothing. But if I hadn't fallen, I wouldn't have met you."

well, that's it folks! hope this list gave you some new books to read this coming summer. don't forget to comment below your thoughts on these books if you read them, or any books you think i should read!


the kinkaid journals
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