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an open letter to the class of 2017

dear class of 2017,

it seems as if yesterday we were walking through those doors, getting lost in the hallways, trying to figure out who to sit with at lunch in that big cafeteria. but today, it’s march and we’re walking through those doors for one of the last times, we now know our way around the hallways, and we found who we will sit with at lunch whether it’s in that big cafeteria or our favorite teacher’s classroom.

in less than two months we’ll have our last day, in less than three months we’ll be walking across that stage getting our diploma, and in less than six months some of us will be moving into our college dorms, going into the military, or working. in less than six months, we all will be going our own way. as exciting as that is, it’s also scary.

for the last four years, we’ve been going to school together. for the last four years, we’ve been cheering on the same football team, listening to the same choir, studying for the same tests. for the last four years, we’ve walked the same halls. in less than six months, it’s all going to change.

while a lot of us say “i can’t wait to get out of here”, or “what’s the point of this school work”, even “college can’t come soon enough” over and over, the familiarity of where we are, is all we’ve known. this familiarity is going to be a thing of the past as we embark on our own journey. this familiarity is where we feel comfortable and safe.

i’m not saying we shouldn’t be excited, because we should be. we should celebrate the fact that we survived those four years that felt like would never end. we should love the fact that we’re seniors and we rule the school. we should be excited for our senior night, and our graduation parties, prom and the senior picnic. we should feel proud of all that we’ve accomplished from getting into national honor society to getting accepted into our dream schools.

i’m saying we should take these last few months and embrace them as hard as we should. we should thank those teachers we love and have helped us get through this. we should look to our coaches and remember we wouldn’t be standing on that field if it wasn’t for them. we should hug our friends more because they were there for us when no one else was. we should spend as much time as we can with our families since some of us will be leaving them.

they’re right when they say time flies, because yesterday i swear i was walking through those  doors, getting lost in the hallways, and was trying to figure out who i was going to sit with at lunch.

so, let’s make these last few months a time to remember. a time we can look back on and smile. a time we won’t regret, a time we will take with us as we go our own ways.


a fellow senior

the kinkaid journals
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