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who she was

she was one of those that didn't really belong anywhere
stuck in the in between
growing up in her small town
always craving something bigger, 
she knew it wasn't her place 
but the city,
the city intrigued her
how awake everyone was
and how you were completely anonymous 
but somehow your existence still mattered 
even if it turned her on, or awakened her 
it wasn't enough
nowhere felt right, nothing felt like home, nothing felt like it was her place or where she was meant to be 
my mother told me that everyone has a purpose in their life
some were to become like everyone else, to slow down
but her purpose was different --
hers was to run, to live, to be free 
that's the only way she was truly uncaged 
growing up in her small town
 always craving something bigger 
she knew it wasn't her place
and even when the city awoke something inside of her 
she knew she didn't really belong anywhere
no town
no city
no man 
no world 
could keep her locked in
she was meant to run 
to be free 
she was meant to be her own home 
and that was what made her,
who she was

the kinkaid journals
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